Best Books of 2024
Mahmood Awan reviews his most cherished reads of the year 2024 for The News on Sunday Roundup, 24
Mahmood Awan reviews his most cherished reads of the year 2024 for The News on Sunday Roundup, 24
The story of Punjabi resistance, narrated through five legends, in response to Pashtoonkhwa Milli Awami Party (PMAP) chief Mahmood Khan Achakzai’s diatribe
Priya Atwal’s book retells the Punjab story with new insights, focusing on the rise of Ranjit Singh and the fall of Punjab’s empire
Baba Nanak consistently displayed a forceful rejection of unjust authority and a love for the downtrodden through his many renderings
In his latest book, Nain Sukh combines oral and written texts to analyse the magical land of Punjab
Harbhajan Singh was one of the few Punjabi writers whose work challenged the powers responsible for causing destruction to Punjab and its people
All over the world, native languages are protected and funded by state universities so they can be kept alive. While here in Punjab, existing working structures of Punjabi are being dismantled
There are not enough creative writings on partition penned in Punjab, especially poetry, and this may be due to guilt infested post-partition trauma that triggered collective amnesia and conscious forgetfulness
As the world celebrates the Mother Tongue day, let’s admit that we have failed to make Punjabi language an issue for the common people of the Punjab or its political parties
Mahmood Awan continues his exploration of Heer Waris Shah and delves into the verses which were considered too erotic and were not published by some editors. Part 2 of the 250th Year of Heer Waris Shah.