Scripted wall of Punjabi

Scripted wall of Punjabi

The language of Baba Farid, Guru Nanak and Damodar Dãs has something special about it. In the darkest of times and against all odds, it has had the resilience to survive

Punjabi Newspaper: Sajjan for everyone

Punjabi Newspaper: Sajjan for everyone

Sajjan was launched on February 3, 1989 from Lahore with a meagre amount of Rs1,76,606 from ordinary Punjabi lovers. All the staff except a few office workers was voluntary and without allowances or perks.

Abid Ameeq: A Symbol of Freedom

Abid Ameeq: A Symbol of Freedom

Ameeq is a teacher, activist, critic and essayist. He is one of the most original and low profile writers of Punjabi — a master. But for me he has always been a poet foremost as that’s how I came to know him.