Punjabi is Not welcomed in Punjab?

Punjabi is Not welcomed in Punjab?

All over the world, native languages are protected and funded by state universities so they can be kept alive. While here in Punjab, existing working structures of Punjabi are being dismantled

Partition of the Punjab (Part 2)

Partition of the Punjab (Part 2)

There are not enough creative writings on partition penned in Punjab, especially poetry, and this may be due to guilt infested post-partition trauma that triggered collective amnesia and conscious forgetfulness

Mushtaq Soofi reviews Sejal: Mahmood Awan’s poems

Mushtaq Soofi reviews Sejal: Mahmood Awan’s poems

Mahmood Awan’s 3rd book of Punjabi Poetry was launched in Lahore in 2017 and Mushtaq Soofi reviews it for the Dawn where he writes that Mahmood is a dynamic poet who has a voice which is distinctly his own. Nimiety of passion running through his poems makes them full of aesthetic and cultural joy.

Sejal Book Launch Report

Sejal Book Launch Report

A Punjabi poetry collection titled ‘Saijal’ by Mehmood Awan was launched at the Punjab Institute of Language, Art and Culture on Wednesday.

Reclaiming Punjabi

Reclaiming Punjabi

As the world celebrates the Mother Tongue day, let’s admit that we have failed to make Punjabi language an issue for the common people of the Punjab or its political parties